Rick Moorehead
Rick initially began his studies in Chinese Medicine in 1997 at Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine, graduating with honors in 2001. Upon graduating, Rick felt compelled to seek out the founding principles behind Chinese Medicine. He began exploring both cultivation and healing teachings from the Incan and Toltec Indigenous people , as well as exploring the natural medicine techniques in Europe including live blood cell analysis, blood terrain balancing, European biological medicine and Applied Kinesiology.
Over the years Rick has been a therapeutic yoga teacher, fitness instructor and kick boxing teacher. Rick is trained in Northern Shaolin Kung Fu and San Shou (Sanda Chinese Kick Boxing) from the EBM Kung Fu Academy and has taught Xing Yi and Tai Ji on and off since 2002.
These various cultural teachings and trainings eventually led Rick back to his original passion of the Chinese Internal Arts and it’s encompassing healing approach, sparking this time a search for a teacher that could further his practice in Tai Chi, Nei Gong, and Nei Dan.
Rick began training with Damo Mitchell in 2015. He completed the LNG teacher training along with attending Nei Dan and Nei Gong intensive retreats. Rick is a senior teacher for Lotus Nei Gong and has been co-running the Bay area LNG branch since 2018.
Rick currently lives in northern California where he runs his private practice and teaches in person Nei Gong workshops and zoom classes. In his off time he enjoys spending time in nature and with his family.